Creative Riso Print Away Day


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Laura is our Lead Designer who works across a variety of sectors producing creative work which meets client and user needs. She works collaboratively with the internal and external teams to deliver proposition and campaign creative, with a big focus on video production and delivery.

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Our design team recently took a step away from the usual hustle of client work and UX problem-solving to do something different... something creative, collaborative, and a little unpredictable. We chose to spend our away day at a riso workshop, where the focus was on making something cool without the pressure of perfection.

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As a team, we're used to deep-diving into user needs, solving complex UX challenges, and perfecting brand messaging. But at the Riso workshop, we had the chance to let go of that precision and embrace experimentation. It was a refreshing change to just create for the sake of it—no overthinking, no revisions—just fun, creativity, and letting the riso process take over. We handed our work to the printer, eager (and maybe a bit nervous) to see what surprises would come out!

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Riso Workshop

We kicked off the day by learning about the fascinating history of Risograph printing. It’s an old-school printing method that's gained a cult following for its unique, vibrant results. We dove into the process, from setting up the #artwork to choosing colour combinations, and finally got hands-on. Each of us were given two colours to work with, which we used to create A3 prints. The results? Quirky, colorful, and beautifully imperfect designs that truly captured the spirit of riso.

Creative brainstorming

After a fun morning of printing and experimenting, we grabbed lunch and jumped into a brainstorming session. Fueled by creativity (and a great meal), we explored ideas on how to improve key areas of our work: Collaboration, UX/UI output, Innovation, Efficiency, and the overall Client Experience. This session gave us a chance to connect in a different way, combining our creative insights from the workshop with practical ideas to bring back to our day-to-day projects.

Overall, the away day was a perfect mix of learning, creativity, and collaboration. The Riso process reminded us to embrace unpredictability and to find beauty in imperfection—a valuable lesson for both design and life. We left the workshop not only with unique prints but with fresh perspectives on how to push boundaries and bring more innovation into our work.

“Risograph printing has been used for high-volume printing in places like schools & political parties for many years, but over the past decade, it has undergone a resurgence with creatives adopting the process because of its tactile and unique results!”


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