Video subscription service platform
Creating a subscription service for Bridge enthusiasts to receive daily videos from world-class player and teacher Andrew Robson.
Supporting a demographic that isn’t naturally raised on digital to embrace and engage with a video subscription platform with ease. Leveraging and communicating Andrew’s friendly and approachable attitude to learning Bridge at any level of play.

Simplifying a complex set of subscription options into a clear choice for the audience whilst allowing users to self select their skill level, or use intuitive level finders if they’re unsure.
Supporting the main platform with helpful video walkthroughs, frequently asked questions, testimonials and taster videos to help ensure the audience knows exactly what they’ll be subscribed to and how to use it.

An intuitive and considered dashboard – with links to view daily video tutorials, including playback options and a comment area where Andrew engages with all his loyal subscribers.
Making it easy to search and filter through extensive video libraries, making modifications to your subscription, whether that’s adding, freezing or cancelling entirely is a simple process with full transparency.

A Craft CMS build that allows us to seamlessly add to and evolve. Most recently to include a new community function where players can link up to play together.