3 minute read
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Gian has significant experience working on large, international accounts covering multiple industries. Naturally process driven, he ensures all members of the team are always aligned, keeping momentum throughout his delivery. All whilst being able to rise out of the detail and see the bigger picture.
As part of my own development both in and out of the workplace, my boss' put me and a team mate through a session on Discovery Insights. The thought behind it was to understand our approach to activities, relationships and decisions; to identify the key areas in which I can develop.
In this short read I'm going to talk about the session, the outcomes and the effect it's had (which have been pretty instant....)
The Workshop
Before the session, I had to answer some relatively probing questions about my attitude, personality and how I go about life on the whole. My unique (a word that's often used to describe me) profile was then set up before myself and Junaid met with David from 3w Growth - a group that helps leaders grow their business and achieve their goals.
Through a series of workshop activities, my personality and approach was analysed against 4 colour criteria:
Fiery Red - Be brief. Be bright. Be gone.
Cool Blue - Give me your details.
Sunshine Yellow - Involve me.
Earth Green - Show me you care.
With different responses equating to different colour traits, my colour hierarchy was confirmed, and not necessarily in the order that I originally thought.
A full profile document, similar to "This is your life", was provided addressing things like:
The plan now is to act on this insight; to create a smoother, more effective way of working, and also living.
Making Adjustments
Adapting is key to maintaining successful relationships. The Nzime SLT did a similar set of workshops recently which led to us growing and achieving more in the business from our internal processes through to project delivery.
Being a part of this process and sharing this insight means we can adjust how we talk, how we act and how we respond both internally and externally, all the while creating a more productive working environment.
The Outcome
I went into this very open minded, expecting to learn some home truths, and it did not disappoint. The accuracy was scarily true. My strengths and weaknesses (yes I do have some) were pretty bang on so the actions from the session should be easily doable. It was good to get an outsider's perspective, along with a little science and logic - I know I'm definitely one for not taking a step back from time to time.
I'll be sharing some highlights with Nzime, probably over a few wines in the hopes that we all benefit from the experience.
Credit to David at 3w Growth for delivering the session.
And thanks to Andrew, Chris and Darren for putting me forward.
(Also thanks to my pal Junaid for joining me on it.)
That's all from me this time.
I'll leave you to have a think about what colour trait you think you best align with....